Sunday, March 1, 2009

Birthdays, Valentine's, and doctor visits

February 12th was my 39th birthday. Hard to believe that in one more year I will be 40. Time sure does fly when your having fun. We ended up celebrating my birthday on the 13th. Mike and my 2 best friends Rhonda and Bradley took me to dinner at Benihana's (I guess that's how you spell it) then we went out dancing afterwards and met up with a few more friends out to celebrate my birthday with me. We had lots of fun. Mike was even very romantic too. The only jewelery he has ever gotten me since we have been together has been my engagement ring and my wedding band. So I was very surprised when I got home from work the day of my birthday and saw two jeweler's boxes sitting on the kitchen counter. For my birthday he got a a diamond and amethyst ring and a diamond and amethyst necklace. I took pictures of them but they didn't turn out very well.

Usually he combines my birthday and Valentine's day together since they are so so close together so imagine my surprise when I am woken up on Valentine's Day by a phone call from the florist telling me they our outside and they have a delivery for me. I have to say I was pretty surprised because I really wasn't expecting anything since he had gotten me the ring and necklace. The flowers were gorgeous though. Some of my favorite.

Michael had his follow-up with Dr. Arnold and his eye's are still doing pretty good. No significant change so he didn't need to have new glasses this time around. He did give us a new prescription though so we would have it if we needed to get new glasses. He tends to be pretty rough on his glasses. He also had his follow-up with Dr. Geitz and it looks like Michael's legs have heeled up very nicely and he can have the plates and screws removed at any time. We have scheduled that sugery for April 2nd. He also had his pre-IEP evaluation and it looks like he's meeting everyone of his goals that his therapists and teacher have set for him.

Mason is doing pretty good also. I got a letter from his school and I have to call some gal there and discuss his IEP with her. He's met all of his goal so his IEP has to be changed.

As for me I saw the surgeron and I ended up having my gallbladder removed last Thursday. I've been off work for the past 5 days but I will be returning tomorrow. I had orignially taken only 4 days off but yesterday my body was telling me that I needed one more day so I called my manager and he went ahead and gave me today off. I should be ready to go tomorrow. It only hurts now when I laugh, cough, or sneeze but it's getting better. They did the surgery laparoscopicly so I only have 4 small incision marks. Not bad. Mason was such a sweet heart when he came home from grandma and grandpa's yesterday. He knew I wasn't feeling well and that I had just had surgery so he picked out a bouquet of roses for me and a get well card. I almost cried when I saw them. Looks like I'm going to have a romantic son on my hands. LOL

Well that's my update. I'm definitely going to try and not go for so long before posting again.

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